For more than 32 years, we become the market leader of designing and manufacturing thousands of steel prefabricated buildings and caravans using high-quality materials that were chosen perfectly to meet any products’ requirements. Whatever the needed sizes ME-Caravan is a one-stop shop that has various teams who are capable of design, manufacture, install, and follow-up after delivering.
17A, Mohamed Mazhar St., Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
tel : 202 - 27 37 4648
Fax : +202 - 27 37 4649
Mob : +2 - 0122211 8039
lndustrial Zone - Alex Desert Road 28 Km - Giza
tel : 202 - 27 37 4648
Fax : +202 - 27 37 4649
Mob : +2 - 0122211 8039
lndustrial Zone - Cairo
tel : +202 - 46 65 0183
Fax : +202 - 46 65 01845
Mob : +2 012211 8039